22 September 2010

Doctor Who!

Leah: Thanks for the prayer :) And Terra is awesome XD. Birth by Sleep is one of my favorites of the Kingdom Hearts games (I haven't gotten far enough in the story to see if it is actually my favorite, but at least it is definitely up to original Kingdom Hearts standards of awesome! -- I don't know if that sentence makes any sense, but I don't really care...)

Kelsey: 4.2 is really good! We've just recently changed weighting of our GPA, so in past years I've been getting about 4.2-4.3 -- Different schools do all kinds of crazy things that I don't understand with our grades! >.<
Lion King is one of my favorite Disney movies. Lion King, Hercules, and Mulan are probably my favorites in terms of story and music X3
And don't worry, we won't go so far as killing each other...though Courgy-chan has threatened to cannibalize me before...it was really creepy...We were in Biology after a test and she wrote in her handbook "I'm hungry for flesh!" She's really odd...and it seemed every time she was in the library with me last year, she ended up looking up something on the internet relating to cannibalism...wow...y'know, this is really creepy when I think about it....Oh well, once you get to know her well enough, these things don't even bother you...

Kat-chan: Nyuuuuuuu!!! I lost the game!!!
(Now has a scary image of Birdman in a fluffy apron...)

Rachel: well, I haven't updated in a while, so I had to make up for the missed time! Besides, this was nothing compared to my Creation and Kingdom Hearts posts XD
I think you'll really like BBS when Abby finally lets you play :P
Dealer-chan's sister did let me sit with them, but their lunch table was very crowded and I felt like I was intruding, so I moved...
Cosplay, YES!!

So, replies to people's comments are done! (Too long to put in the comments thing)
Recently, I've been totally obsessing over Doctor Who (which is not good timing--Its never good to have two obsessions happening at the same time, with school going on in the meantime...)
Anyway, if you haven't watched Doctor Who, you are missing out. I regret all those years that I never knew the show!!
Yes, it tends to give me really odd nightmares, but when I wake up, I'm like 'That was awesome!!' I love dreaming about things like that!
What's really cool about Doctor Who is that even though the graphics and effects are not all that great, its somehow endearing. Its kinda hard to explain. I think of it kinda like Star Wars (4-6). Those animations aren't all that good, but they somehow feel more legitimate or realistic that way. I just wasn't feeling the "better" graphics in 1-3...I don't know...Its just really weird....
And, it is the most bizarre story, but awesome at the same time (or "Brilliant!" as the Doctor would say XP). David Tennant is definitely my favorite of the Doctors I've seen so far (granted, I've only seen two others...so I don't have much to compare to...) But he is just amazing as the Doctor.
And the Daleks are just so WEIRD! They're, like, scary and almost-huggable at the same time. They are just so RIDICULOUS-looking that you have to laugh. I cracked up the first time I saw one, thinking 'What the heck?! What is that supposed to be?!' Then it started flying I lost it (they just kid of hover--it is so weird looking!!) And their weapons look like a plunger and a blender?! What the heck? How can something so ridiculous be so awesome?!

"You will identify first." - C
"YOU will identify first." - D
(Wow. Really T.T)

"You will identify." - C
"Daleks do not take orders." - D
"You have identified as Daleks." - C

"Daleks have no concept of elegence"
"This is obvious."
(One burn point to the Cybermen!)

"You will defeat 5 million Cybermen with 4 Dalek?" - C
"We will defeat 5 million Cybermen with 1 Dalek!" - D
(That's a point to the Daleks)
"You are superior in only one respect." - D
"What is that?" - C
"You are better at dying." - D
(Oh! Double-burn!! The Daleks so win.)

(These are my thoughts when I watched this episode. One of my favorite arcs so far. This and the weeping angels with Amy and the 11th Doctor)

These are all just my random thoughts on the series. I have been watching the episodes all out of order, so I'm sorry if there are any spoilers.

I'm not really sure which partner I like the best. They're actually all pretty cool. Rose seems like she should be annoying, but you really grow to like her. Martha's kinda cool, but not my favorite. Donna is awesome. I just love her personality. She reminds me of myself in some ways...one of my favorite scenes with her:

(I just watched this episode today. I was seriously hysterical. It was hilarious!)


    OMZ i am so proud of you lol. and David Tennant is definitely the best doctor! even if i haven't seen ANY others. XP

  2. im gonna say lol 2 tha vids (even though my computer is a retard and wont let me watch them) an by tha way i want birth by sleep also!!! KH RULZ!! XD

  3. doesn't David Tennant wear converse?

    and nooooooooo *slams head on nearby wall to rid brain of Birdman-waitress*

  4. lol. Welcome. Yeah Terra is awesome...I just wish he was easier to use..HES SO SLOW!


