-Job shadowing: last Sunday through last Wednesday I job shadowed my aunt at the hospital she works at. It was really cool! She's a cardiologist, so I got to see all kinds of things like: MRI's, echocardiographs, heart catheters, etc. It was kinda hard to understand much of what she was saying because it was all doctor-talk and...well...I've only taken one anatomy class with about 2 weeks at the end of school learning about the heart...I learned more in those 2 days shadowing than I did in the 2 weeks in anatomy class!
(this is an MRI machine)
Some things I noticed that are kind of random: You know the stereotype about doctors being good-looking -- especially in all those doctor shows on TV? Well, at least at this hospital, that was true. Oh my gosh! I'm not usually the one seeking out good-looking guys, but this was kinda hard to miss...AND they all seemed to be freakishly tall! I'm 5'6" -- pretty average, maybe a little above -- but compared to those doctors, I looked like a dwarf!!There were some cool things that my aunt recommended for me. On Sunday, I watched the movie "Something the Lord Made." Its about this african-american guy, Vivian Thomas, who starts off working as a doctor's assistant to Dr. Alfred Blalog. Then, the doctor realizes that this guy is actually really smart and good with his hands and they become partners and eventually invent a way to remedy "blue babies"- babies who are not getting enough oxygen because of a heart problem. It was really an awesome movie and I would recommend it.
She also gave me to read "King of Hearts" by G. Wayne Miller. Its a nonfiction book about "The True Story of the Maverick Who Pioneered Open Heart Surgery." Another cool book, written in simple enough language that I could understand it with my limited knowledge of the human heart. I think it sheds light on how much went into the discovery of open heart surgery and how many kids died horrible bloody deaths before they got it right...
Another book she gave me was "The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat" by Oliver Sacks. Its a book of clinical studies of patients this doctor had with various unique neurological disorders. One woman has no "sixth-sense" called proprioception that tells her where the various parts of her body are and she says she feels "disembodied." The man from the title was horribly confused because he saw the world only as abstracts, not as a whole picture. He could only recognize something by very specific characteristics and he was unable to tell his wife from a hat. One woman has no concept of "leftness"-- she can't see things on the left side, it doesn't even register that there could be anything there. Anything on the left does not exist. It is a bizarre book.
Anyway, while job-shadowing, I stayed at my aunt's house with her family. She has a 7-year-old girl who plays with my sister usually during family get-togethers and she has a set of twins -- they are SO CUTE!!
At first, they didn't really like me being there, but they warmed up to me and on the second day, they hugged me in the morning when I left for work with my aunt :)
-So after the awesome hospital experience, my family picked me up from my aunt's house and we went straight to Knoebel's. Knoebel's is an amusement park, which is kinda far, but we go there because its free admission and its a good family-friendly park. I'm okay with it because it also has the "bigger kid" rides like the roller coasters and such. I actually just recently started to like roller-coasters. I HATED them before, but one day, I suddenly decided, "I'm going to try again and keep my eyes open this time! Face my fear!! Rawr!" So I did and its actually a lot less scary with my eyes open XP
We had fun there. We stayed at a hotel which was practically in the parking lot of Wal-Mart -- we'd gone to that Wal-Mart before and never noticed the hotel until our GPS brought us into the parking lot to find our hotel T.T It was weird. The rooms smelled like fish because they just put up new wallpaper and apparently wallpaper paste smells like fish...I dunno. But despite the oddities, it was still a fun family trip.
-After Knoebel's, we went back home for an hour or two to wash our clothes and then we packed back up and headed to my grandparent's house. We had to stay there because we are redoing our stairs and the stain or whatever we were putting on them took several days to dry. That's several days sleeping in the living room and basement with no shower...That wasn't going to work...So we went to my grandparent's house to visit and swim in their pool :) Another fun time.
After all those things, I've been home. Just chilling after a LONG week.
Some random tidbits that don't really fit anywhere else:
-The other day, I had a NYUUUUU! moment. I was sitting on my couch kinda sideways, leaned back, and spilled milk which splashed EVERYWHERE. It got all over my desk with my homework and papers, all over my bag which I still hadn't unpacked, AND all over the pictures I drew for Rachel and Kat-chan for their birthdays coming up soon! Thankfully, it was just a splash, but I didn't have any paper towels, so I got a dirty t-shirt out of the clothes pile and wiped it off the picture hoping nothing smudged. It didn't and I got everything cleaned up, but I'm worried that the pictures are going to smell of sour milk. I've been smelling them and haven't detected anything yet, so I think we're safe (Yes, I've been SMELLING my pictures. I'm a freak. I know)
-Kat-chan and Courgy-chan are back from their Europe trip. Hopefully, we will get together sometime because I haven't seen Courgy-chan since a week after school ended in JUNE!
-Rachel went to Montana before I got back from my long week, so I didn't get to say bye or anything before then, which made me sad :( But she's back now, so its all good!
-too much homework :( I tried to work on it the other day. I started with Physics - stupid me. The first question's asking me to draw a graph and write what it indicates. After not really using my brain all summer, I'm not in the mood to analyze a graph, so I moved on the Gov't to make charts to study stuff (which took way longer than it should've, so that's all I got done today DX)
I had my whole chilling-out-doing-homework nerdy kinda look going:

I got my "bling" - my many bracelets that I've gotten into wearing, my keyblade in the background, my Space and Time shirt - It says "Discover the Thrill of SPACE and TIME: Explore Any Time - All The Time" and its got a picture with a Dr. Who-looking box thing with a cowboy riding a dinosaur, skyscrapers half underwater, pyramids, a guy in a suit holding a mummy on a leash, and other weird things :) My older brother got it for me for my birthday - he's how my whole otaku-thing started, so that's no surprise XP I've got the whole two braids and glasses thing going (I guess to get me pumped to do homework or something. My mind works in mysterious ways. Anything to get some homework done)
-Dealer-chan got a facebook!!! Weee!! I was chatting with her a couple nights ago about random things...like vampire/wereflys biting me....don't ask...
In otaku-related news:
-Keyblades!! I've now finished oblivion and kairi's keyblade (for my sister). Olivia was quite difficult to make (taking me about six months on and off) but I just started Kairi's keyblade in late July and I'm already finished! It was much easier to make :)
-OneManga shutdown!!! I don't know if any of you (well, duh, Rachel and Kat-chan) read manga online on OneManga.com, but its shut down! It made me so sad DX DX DX Apparently, publishers are cracking down on scans, so OneManga decided to take off their scans to comply with the publishers' wishes. So so sad :(
-On the other hand, so excited for BBS (just thought of song "So excited" by The Pointer Sisters - didn't know that one off the top of my head...I "asked Google" as Mrs. S would say... always making me imagine Birdman for some reason in tribal uniform bowing down before a computer and saying "Almighty Google, answer mine question!"...Anyway...) Really excited for BBS! Its about a month until it comes out!!
-The other night, I watched Phineas and Ferb doing the Caramelldansen and Ievan Polkka in their "Summer Belongs to You" special...now that was just weird...(I watched the show with my little brother and sister. Its one of the more tolerable shows they watch that I don't feel much stupider after watching...) Here's a video:
So freakish! I don't know whether to feel that its awesome or insulting to Japanese culture T3T
-Other really exciting news: Otakon announced their dates for Otakon 2011!! Yay! The Book Black Market MUST MUST MUST go next year! And we MUST cosplay!
Speaking of which, I started sewing my Cooro from +Anima cosplay. I have the shirt mostly done, just need the button on the collar. I have the red undershirt. I'm going to make the aviator cap thing he wears, probably buy the goggles, make the yellow boots, buy the red socks, buy the belt, so many things to buy, so little money to spend because I STILL haven't been accepted anywhere for a job. Stupid college kids taking the summer jobs! Grrrrr!
Anyway, I went to Goodwill and got a blazer for a Reno cosplay that i want to do. I was fooling around with it Friday, I think, and put gel in my hair put on the outfit and carried around a bamboo stick (the closest I have to Reno's weapon). Here's some pictures:
I think its alright. My hair's not quite as red as Reno's and my hair gel sucks, but I don't want to have to buy a wig, so I'll deal with it. I'm planning to get an actual button down shirt (which, believe it or not, I do not have one) that I can use for under the blazer as well as for a Joshua cosplay that I plan to do (because, his outfit is pretty easy - I would just have to buy that wig). I'm really planning for cosplay here all of a sudden! (Don't really have much else to do except homework, which is bleh T.T)
For some reason, while taking these pictures, I decided to take pictures of our eyes, so here are pictures of my sister's, my brother's, then my eyes (well, one of each of our sets of eyes...):
Lotsa pictures in this post. And sorry if its a little choppy sounding -- I worked on if for a couple days on an off and I have an intense headache right now while editing it (yes, I actually edit my posts most of the time, especially for a long one like this because I tend to make a lot of mistakes)
I believe that is actually all I wanted to say! (Of course not, I always add several PS's)
PS: I'm really not good at sewing. My Cooro shirt kept getting messed up and I had to resew and entire side. The other side, has one little bunch in it, but I'm so OCD that it bothers me so much and I just HAVE to fix it, but I can't without totally messing up the shirt! Its such a dilemma!
PPS: I watched youtube clips of the Parle Productions (the Demyx Time crew) panels at Metrocon 2010. They were hilarious! I love Dennis! And Sora's description of a "comparison" (referencing his literal "drawing" of a comparison on his IQ test) "Its like this big blob - with a window here and hamster...and its all tie-dye...it was amazing!" Roxas' constant murderous intent towards Demyx, the much singing of Lady Gaga by Charlotte, etc. All hilarious!
PPPS: Looking forward to seeing Crisis Core the musical by Tsuki no Senshi cosplay group. They're the ones that did Kingdom Hearts the Musical (which I believe I put up on a way earlier post). There are youtube videos of the show, but none are very high quality, so I'm waiting for their "official" video with subtitles and all. (I understand some German and I know the plot of the game, so it wouldn't be hard to figure out, but I'd still like to know exactly what they are saying X3)
IMPORTANT! Please, my friend Rachel is going through a hard time: her grandfather just died yesterday. Even if you don't know her or follow her, please pray for her and her family to get through their loss. Thank you all!
By the way, my sister is dressed in a mouse costume from one of her talent shows, but she was pretending to be one of those Final Fantasy monsters and so I was fighting her XP
ReplyDeleteyay cosplay! ooh, i was a blue baby! only mine was because i didn't breathe or something.
ReplyDeleteand thank you so much for putting up prayer request for me. you are SO sweet!
Wow--that Phineas and Ferb video was somewhat disturbing. And you're not the only one upset about OneManga!!!!! I loved that site. . .but if you think about it, it's not really fair to the mangakas who want their art and stories bought. We're reading the scanlations for free, so they don't get the full amount of money like when we buy a volume. So sad ): Sorry if I'm going into a whole spiel (shpiel, shpiell?? idk how to spell it) about this--I'm just really upset about it!!!! That's how I started reading St. Dragon Girl Miracle, then it got me excited enough to buy the first series St. Dragon Girl (they didn't have StDG online b/c it was already liscensed) off of Amazon. So, maybe I can stick with anime and Amazon for now. . . . boo hoo DX
ReplyDeleteHave you ever been to Kennywood before in PA?? It's expensive, but they have AWESOME french fries from Potato Patch Fries!!!! I went to visit my friend this summer, and we went to Kennywood.
Well, [English accent]I best get going now, I need to post on my own blog!!!