15 July 2010

Stuffs ^^

Ok, to get these out of the way first:
Rachel. You are an amazing person. I've been seeing the rather...mean...things said to you on your formspring, but you answer them honestly without being mean back. I don't know if I could do that. I'd probably just ignore the question...And I am really praying for you and your family with what's going on in your life. If you need someone to talk to, I'm here (though I'm not sure I'm the best person to talk to...I'll either start crying because I cry if I feel any emotion at all or I will say something stupid and make things worse - what usually happens when I try to comfort my brother or sister... I'm not trying to get you not to come to me. I'm just warning you that I'm not responsible for what I may say or do in such a predicament. How about, I'll listen. I'm good at listening. And sometimes listening is all people need X3. Wow, I'm really going on, aren't I??)
Katherine (when you eventually read this when you get back from Europe - so jealous XP) I'm really sorry I didn't visit Princeton with you! I didn't get your message until Wednesday! I hardly ever have my cell phone/check voice mail! I'm sorry!!! DX

Now I'm done my messages to friends. Sooo, what have I been doing??
*Sigh* I'm STILL looking for jobs :( Thank you Rachel for the tip on Subway hiring, though! I haven't gotten a call, but my application is in.
On Tuesday, my little brother, sister, mother, and I went to the Franklin Institute to see the Cleopatra exhibit X3. It was actually really cool (I'm usually not at all interested in anything having to do with history). My favorite parts of the exhibit were the giant 10 foot statues that they found, the coins (they were amazingly preserved for being under the ocean for several thousand years 0.o), and the things that had hieroglyphics on them (hieroglyphics are very cool looking X3). Something...strange...I learned was that Cleopatra was married to her younger brother, then her even-younger brother, then her son whom she had with one of those brothers 0.o There's some SERIOUS incest going on there...
Moving on...other than that, I haven't been out of the house much, for anything other than some errands that I have to run now because I have my driver's license. X/

Something very random that always bugs me:
Where are you supposed to put punctuation when using an emoticon??
Before the emoticon? After? No punctuation at all?? They really need to create grammar rules for this kind of thing! Nothing looks right! Example ("end" being end of first sentence, "Beginning" being beginning of next sentence):

end. X3 Beginning  (looks like its part of the next sentence)
end X3. Beginning  (looks like its a mole or something and part of the face)
end X3 Beginning  (looks like a run-on sentence)

Its so confusing! Especially when using :) at the end of paranetheses:

end :))  ---(looks like two mouths)
end :) )   ---(looks weird. Maybe might work, but not really)
end (:)  ---(looks like the middle part of a snowman)
end (: )  ---(still kinda looks like a snowman, but probably conveys the message best out of all of these...)

I usually just avoid that altogether and use "X3)" It eliminates the double parentheses thing...
I'm really over-analyzing aren't I?
Oh well, I do it with most things-- why I want to become a scientist - so my over-thinking can be put to good use! XD

Otaku-related news:
1. Fushigi Yuugi Genbu Kaiden was FINALLY updated! Its been TWO YEARS!!! That's one long hiatus 0.o If you don't know the series...I'm not sure how to explain it. Its really quite interesting in my opinion, but there are some mature scenes. But its not like its mature purely as fanservice, as some mangas are, such as Samurai Deeper Kyo (I couldn't get through much of that one...) I think it kind of adds to the..."authenticity"? of it. Yeah, you probably don't need to see those things in such detail...but thinking realistically (yes, I'm telling you to think realistically about a manga) a guy that can change into a woman probably doesn't feel much need to cover up his top half. (That probably sounds much weirder than it is in the series...). I read it for the storyline, which is actually really good and I just look past the other parts. Here are some pictures of said he/she, whose name is Uruki/Rimudo (he goes by both. Rimudo is his given name and Uruki is his celestial name as one of the seven celestial warriors)
2. I'm working on this thing (because I'm bored). I'm making a bunch of pictures of chibi-versions of the Organization XIII members and I'm drawing them to look like a chain of people which will eventually be hanging on to the top corner of the wooden border around my closet. (My explanation isn't very good, but I will have a picture when I'm finished X3). The trouble in getting this finished is not the actual drawing of the pictures but the coloring. For some reason, I chose to color in colored pencil. The black organization coats are a PAIN to color in with colored pencils. I hate using black SOOO much! Why did I do this?! Oh well, I only have about 7 more to color (4 of them I still have to draw - Axel, Luxord, Vexen, and Xaldin - how have I not drawn Axel yet?!). *Sigh* It fills my time, at least...

3. I'm am STILL working on my Oblivion keyblade. It is actually almost done (and looks pretty awesome, if I may say so myself). I just have a very little more papier mache-ing to do, then I can paint it and it should be done! Squee!
The whole time I've been working on this, my parents have been calling me weird and nerdy (which is pretty much a compliment in my world. The weirder and nerdier I am, the closer I am to my goal of otakudom...X3) But they've still helped me, even though they don't understand my passion...and I thank them for that! (And they will actually see this thank you because apparently, they read my blog now. Its not like I put things on here that I don't want them to see...its just awkward...this is more for friends and peers and other people like me who may actually understand some of my nerd-talk T.T)
4. I'm not sure if this needs to go into otaku-stuff or not, but I'll put it here anyway. I've recently been naming my inanimate objects.
  • Kingdom Keyblade--ALICE (was going to be Haku, but my brother said that was a stupid name T.T)
  • Oblivion Keyblade--OLIVIA (I'm creative, I know.)
  • My purple balloon from my 16th birthday party that is over a year old and still somehow has air in it--MARGARET (I'm not sure why. It just came to me...)
  • Laptop--TITAN (I needed a masculine name so I don't seem sexist)
I have yet to name my car, though...I just can't think of a good name!
(Yes, that is me, with a kinda stupid face because my family was there and they made me get pictures in my new car right in front of my school in public with PEOPLE watching!! T.T)
Anyway, I need to name mah baby, but I can't think of a good name. Probably a girl name because it is definitely a chick car...Anyone have any ideas?


PS: I went out for ice-cream today with my little bro. I got this flavor called "white raspberry truffle." It was REALLY good! I'm going to have to get that flavor if we go back there again! Noms X3

PPS: I got a 5 on my AP Calc test!!! Yay! (Poor Courgi-chan is going to have to wait until she and Kat get back from Europe to see her score XP)

PPPS: I haven't started my summer homework yet...I'm such a horrible procrastinator. I have to wait until, at earliest, August to start worrying about that!! But for the AP Gov't homework, we have to do current events and I'm not sure what to do it on. I don't keep up with much current stuff. I could do it on the oil spill in the Gulf, but I have a feeling that pretty much everyone is going to be doing that. But I think it will actually be an interesting topic, rather than looking at more stuff relating to politicians and all that kind of thing. Hmmm...I should probably get started soon on that one at least...


  1. You're pretty. AND SMART D: Also, I kinda do my "after emoticon" sentences like this. So yeah, I look like a run-on. But It's less confusing to me. I also over-analyze things like that >.>

    You know, I should probably get around to watching Fushigi Yuugi. Did you hear that they started to actually do something about the oil spill? I'm pretty sure my dad said something about them actually stopping it. It'll still take decades to clean up, though... Gr.

    My mom says you should name your car Roxie, by the way. "Because she has the top down! It's very surfy, beachy."

    I would've said to name her "The Blood Countess Elizabeth Bathory" but... yeah. Maybe something more like Christine. Or, er, wait...

  2. i love your loooong posts! it makes me feel like i get an insight into your life! haha XD usually i do either before-punctuation or run-on, by the way ^.^ (and i use that one to avoid the double parentheses)

    aww, thank you so much for your offer to listen! i might take you up on that soon. :) and i knew getting into it that formspring was going to land me a lot of idiot haters and such, so i went into the whole thing prepared. :) i try not to let it get to me, because i really like the honest questions.

    yay for art projects! looking forward to seeing them all soon, i hope. ^.^ (listening to Dragon by Zwei; me likey!) i often name inanimate objects; it's so much more fun that way!


  3. I disagree that you over-analyze. I wonder about the emoticons too!! Cute car by the way ^_^

