04 July 2010

I'm Back! (short post)

Hi people!! I missed my blog-buddies!
I won't be able to do my big long Creation post probably until Tuesday -- I just spent about an hour reading peoples' posts that I missed and commenting on them and going through email and replying and going through deviantart messages and watching videos and a bunch of other stuff that I missed during the 4-5 days I was gone :)

So anyway, I just wanted to post some little previews to my large post:
Creation was EPIC!! -- So much fun!
I am VERY tired!
I am VERY excited to be home :)
I am VERY sunburned XP
And I am slightly sick (I can't seem to stop coughing) from all the dust and dryness and yelling (at the concerts X3)
I'm going to give you three pictures as a preview to the epicness X3 (taken by me on my mom's awesome camera that I love):
(Tobymac and his Diverse City Crew -- I caught them while they were synchronously sliding with the music X3)
(Thousand Foot Krutch -- one of my most favorite bands EVER!!! -- Thank you Rachel for introducing me -- you've started a monster...speaking of which...)
 (AAHHHH!! Skillet was unbelivable epic awesomeness XD)
Other random updates, while I'm making a not-totally-creation-related post:
While I was gone, Kuroshitsuji Season II came out!! I'm not yet sure what to think of this season, but it seems that Sebastian and Ciel WILL be in this season when all previews (and the ending of last season) suggested that they weren't...sooooo I am still unsure what to think.
(Oh, and if you don't know what Kuroshitsuji is: It is a manga and anime -- with the former being very different from the latter -- which is kinda dark and creepy, but also pretty cool. Its about this kid Ciel who makes a contract with a demon (Sebastian). The demon becomes the kid's servant/butler until his wish is granted (sounds like a genie...I'm not totally sure I'm phrasing that correctly, or remembering it correctly for that matter) but after something happens, the demon then gets to devour their master's soul as their food. So, its dark and creepy, but a really interesting story, all the same.)

Annnnndddd: Sora Show 4!!!
It was hilarious. Just watch it. I love Dennis XD

Almost time for Demyx Time 14!! Happy news, but sad that its almost over :(
Oh well, I still have the Shinra Files, Sora Show, and possibly a Kuroshisuji show (judging by a poll they had a while ago on deviantart about if they were to do another show, what series should it be -- most people voted for Kuroshitsuji X3)

Anyways...I really gotta go to bed now.
Grandparent's house tomorrow to pick up mah puppie!!!!!
<3 <3 <3

PS: If you didn't get the whole "speaking of monster" thing, one of Skillet's song is called Monster. Its awesome. If you don't know it, here is their music video:


  1. Glad to hear you had a good time :D I hope you feel better :(

    And I should really get into Kuroshitsuji. I heard it's great.

  2. OMZ IT LOOKS EPIC!!! i <3 skillet so much. love of my musical life. and really, i introduced you to thousand foot krutch? oh boy, we have so much work to do with you, child! muhahahaha!!

    p.s. Dennis is STILL angry at you!

  3. I LOVE Monster!!! I have the entire album on my ipod.
