08 July 2010

Project AK-47

I said I'd do a post about it, so here it is.
Project AK-47 is a relatively new nonprofit organization to help rescue and rehabilitate children involved in armed conflict. They help rescue child soldiers in Mexico, Burma, the Philippines, and Sri Lanka.

What they do in the U.S. is they sell dog tags. Each tag has the name of a child, their gender, their age, their status, and their location. Each tag represents one of the 100,000+ child soldiers who officially "don't exist." The name on the tag is not the child's real name because most children don't have names. They are just known by their numbers. These tags help give them a name and raise awareness of what is happening and have someone tell that child's story. The dog tag I got says this:


It just breaks my heart to think that there are 8-year-old's out there being forced to fight in conflicts from older generations. My little sister is 7 and she will be 8 in November. I CANNOT imagine her going to war.
The dog tags only cost $10. And because I got one, every time I look down when I am wearing it, I am able to think of little Hereson in the Philippines and pray for him and others going through the same thing.

You can visit their website here: www.projectAK47.com
They have a lot more information on there than what I'm giving. Its really a good cause. Anyone interested should check them out and help in any way they can.


  1. wow, that sounds like a really neat organization!

  2. Thanks so much for this. I will be sure to check it out. I will also be praying for "Hereson".

  3. Wow, that's incredibly heartbreaking. I will pray for Hereson too, and maybe my family and I will all buy a tag. There's this movie called "Invisible Children," which is about Child Soldiers.
